
Driver Training

P&O Ferrymasters has a long established Driver Training programme in the UK, dating back to 1997. The Driver training programme has evolved over time, changing its focus and content to pick up on the most relevant industry safety issues.

Our programme consists of 7 Modules, each focusing on different areas of Operations. The course lasts around 2 hours. This can be delivered by our Driver Trainer/auditor at a hauliers own premises at a mutually convenient time and date.

This package must be delivered by P&O Driver Training team to a designated Safety Champion.  This can then be delivered by the Safety Champion to the Drivers.  


Hauliers can then train their drivers on the relevant load restraint guidelines - see Load Restraint Guidelines to select what is applicable. 


Once all presentations and relevant load restraint guidelines have been viewed: 

1. Download the Training register via the below link and complete with all information required.  

2. Download the Certificate of Training. Complete with all relevant information. Ensure it is signed by Driver and Trainer 

3. Certificate of Training is to be carried by Driver 

4. Send Training Register to  A card will be produced and sent to haulier 

5. Haulier to distribute card/s to their drivers.  

Training Register 

Certificate of Training 

If you would like more information about:- 

  • GDPR and how your information is stored - click on the below link: 

Other Training Packages 

BRC Awareness Training Reefer trailers 

Toyota Training Package 

Irish Hauliers Training Package (Sections loading at British Steel) 


Contact us

Reach out to us in case for any inquiries regarding driver training.